“I help women to shed the self-doubt that has been holding them back in life and to step into their confidence for wild amounts of success”

Watch my TEDx Talk
“Is it time to Quit?”


  • “My life is transformed and I do not say that lightly. I am making more money, moving into my dream future with ease, I am making more connections that I was not making before and I am manifesting this dream community, I am showing up in such an authentic way that feels like ME! I cannot get over this feeling of empowerment and it is all thanks to you."

  • “Sign me up for the group! I miss working with you so much! I have had coaches in the past and have never felt as evolved, strong and empowered then I have when working with you!”

  • “Emily was a bright guiding light during a challenging time of big life and career changes for me. Meeting with Emily every week gave me purpose and direction during this tough and confusing time and helped to give me concrete things to work on weekly to help me move forward. Now when I look at the vision we created together, I am amazed to see that SO much came true. So quickly!”

  • “This work with Emily has helped me to open up to more trust in magic and miracles in the universe. It was amazing to watch that everything everything I had my eyes on, just started happening. This is what I didn’t know I needed yet exactly what I had been searching for…”

  • Emily's work as a Mindset Success is not optional, it's required. I can say that after working with her, and seeing her work with 100's of our incredible clients.

    She teaches you to...

    Embody the physiology of success (and transform the results you're having from your existing marketing plan)

    Live into an abundant entrepreneurial mindset (and recognize lucrative opportunities that are all around you)

    Release money blocks and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from 10x'ing your success in business

Hi, I’m Emily!

Emily leads with her heart first and forward. Having made the courageous switch from marketing executive to a naturopathic doctor and now a transformational mindset coach, Emily radically paves the way for others to follow their own truth and alignment. Using a fusion of coaching methods, NLP, hypnosis, and other energetic techniques, Emily helps ambitious and heart-centered women to dissolve the blocks holding them back in life and to design the life that they cannot wait to wake up to.

Explore Services

The Magnetic Life 1:1 Coaching
12 weeks

Feeling stuck and stagnant? This 12-week coaching container helps you to peel away the layers that are keeping you back from your dream life. One where you can feel happy, joyful, passionate, and fully expressed.

The Mastermind

Join an intimate business mastermind for women who are running online service-based businesses, and who are looking to plug into a community of other powerful leaders who are ready to grow in their health, wealth & relationships. Hosted by Emily Elliot (Mindset & Success Coach) and Kelsey Reidl (Marketing Consultant).

Tune into ‘The Magnetic Life’ Podcast

For your daily dose of inspiration and magnetism, hosted by Emily Elliot.