Glowing Health Needs This one Ingredient…

As I stood in front of the mirror in my downtown Toronto Beaches apartment, desperately trying to get ready for the beautiful summer day at work ahead, I was astounded by the record levels of low energy I had to get up in the morning. Here I am a Naturopathic Doctor with no energy to get ready for the day for clients - I felt like a living hypocrite. “Look at me with my green salad and protein packed lunch, my fresh smoothie and handpicked adrenal gland supporting supplements” and yet something was still so off.  I would later come to learn that while there are many routes to build the body up with energy, there is truly no greater energizer than aligned purpose.

Naturopathy is one of the most incredible professions on the planet. It has saved my life and my family members lives, it is a profession I adore. AND, I was not meant to be serving the world through this profession. When I was filling my days as a Naturopathic Doctor, life felt heavy and stressful. I so desperately wanted this to be ‘it’ for me and I was in admiration of my friends who just knew they had found their way, but it just was not the path I was meant to be on. Some of the early clues were – burn out, irritable, low energy and overall, just not ‘myself’. 

SO much emphasis is put on health as what you eat, how you move your body and the supplements you take but I would argue that having a purpose here on earth is the strongest connection to vitality, possible. That feeling that just makes you ‘jump out of bed’ in the morning. The feeling of pursuing your passion and leaving impact on the earth and helping other humans in a way that feels seamless to your soul will trump the nights where you had 5 hours of sleep and passed out with a bowl of quinoa chips stuck to your forehead ;).

Now let’s fast forward to finding my purpose.  I truly believe that success always leaves clues along the trail.  My supervisors in Naturopathic college always said to me – “Emily you are such a natural guide to people”.  While I enjoyed prescribing supplements and herbal medicines, I ADORED talking to my clients about life.  It was during my pregnancy with my son Koah that I felt the very intuitive pull to take a coaching, NLP and hypnosis training. I naturally loved this stuff so imagine I had training on it? I devoured the course and reached the point where I knew my path forward was as a life coach and guide and it was time to surrender my license. Now my days consist of guiding women into their most confident and expressed selves where they no longer have a fear of being seen. And my goodness do I feel like me! I have plenty of tired days but the purpose and impact trumps it all for me,  

Does this mean you definitely need to know your purpose today? Absolutely not! Does this mean that finding little bits and pieces as you go helps to clear the path and call in more energy? YES. Here are a few questions that helped me on my way and I hope they help you too.

Some reflection questions you can ask yourself are:

  • When am I in total moments of flow?

  • What are some moments from childhood where I remember feeling so connected to magic?

  • Can I remember a time where I helped someone breakthrough something in life. How did it help? How did I feel?

May we all live deeply rooted in our hearts and connected to that bigger purpose.  With plenty of green juice and quinoa chips and many moments that make this beautiful thing called life count.

PS. Ready for radical support + magic with 1:1 life coaching? Apply here:


Are you ever Really Ready?


The Story of Emily Meets Kelsey and the Creation of a Mastermind