The Story of Emily Meets Kelsey and the Creation of a Mastermind

There are certain things in life that happen with incredible ease. For you, maybe you think of meeting your partner, finding your best friend, embarking on solo travel, or the first time you ever made that fancy pinterest soufflé ;).  The meeting of Kelsey and I (my biz partner and cherished friend) felt very similar. It was a regular Tuesday afternoon when my husband came up and said “someone I know is looking for a mindset speaker in her marketing meet-ups, might you be interested?”  Having only seen flashes of Kelsey through an essential oil world that we were once part of, I immediately intuited – yep! (I didn’t need any more details).

We had a ton of fun collaborating on a mindset talk for Kelsey’s marketing world.  And we very quickly realized that this was a completely neglected part of the biz world – the intersection of an intentionally curated marketing plan with a resilient mindset. Whoah, powerful stuff. We felt so strongly that strategy and energetics, plans and prayers, referrals and reframes were some of the most potent medicine that an entrepreneur could discover.

For both of us, it was an immediate ‘belly yes’ to keep creating.  The next creation for us was a program called ‘LEAP’ where we taught small business owners how to market their business and how to be an energetic match for success. During this time, Kelsey also became pregnant and naturally, other deep conversations came to unfold. 

We realized that so much of business is run out of the MASCULINE – GO, ACTION, RESULTS, PUSH. But really, for ourselves and so many of our clients, we see some of our biggest LEAPS when we are deeply in the feminine (balancing rest, eating well, aligned effort, creativity, pleasure, intuition etc.) I shared with Kelsey that when I became pregnant I felt like I didn’t belong in the business world any more. I. had this weird feeling of being ‘less than’ based on how business is most typically run.  The more I shared this story with the women in our programs, the more they shared that they too felt the same – that there were spaces they didn’t feel they belonged, that they got their biggest results when they leaned into principles of the feminine.

After the major success of our LEAP programs, fueled by our experiences in business to date, we knew without a doubt that we needed to launch a women’s mastermind where there was room for women to take up space (with big goals + a deep desire to still be the WOMAN they are inside). This might mean being a lover of the kitchen, the garden, the home, mothering, caretaking, dancing, playing, writing, singing… Ahhhh! The list goes on and on about what feels good to be in the juiciness of the feminine.

As our partnership continued with wild success and play, our synchronicities continued to emerge.  We realized that we had the identical unique  bohemian bridesmaids dresses at our weddings (we didn’t know each other at the time), we both left corporate jobs around the same time to pursue our hearts calling, we were married the same year and guess what…. we delivered our first baby on the exact same day of the year (Christmas day baby boys – can you believe it?)

This week marks 1 year since our partnership began and we have been so deep in the web of creation that we haven’t really taken the time to share this story of ease, alignment and synchronicity. 

If this blog pulled on your heart strings in any way, there is a good chance that our women’s mastermind is for you.  Sometimes things can just be that easy. You get a feeling and you follow it.  And as a final thought for you today, ask yourself this one question…. “What if it all could be so easy?”

PS. You can apply here: 


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